Monday 16 September 2024

Notice of Alt-Tech Exclusive- Richards Chart Rematch


There will be a livestream on HPANWO TV on Rumble the day after tomorrow, Wednesday the 18th at approximately 9 PM British Summer Time. There may be a separate test livestream before then.
Following my video on Abbie Richards' conspiracy theory chart, a few viewers have been boasting that they scored more than I did. This fills me with outrage and indignation. Therefore there will be a live rematch.
I am the craziest kook on the internet and nobody can beat me!
Talk to me and to each other in the live chatbox. You will need a Rumble account to participate. Setting one up is easy and free of charge.
To watch the video see my Rumble channel: "Rumble-dot-com-forward/slash-C-forward/slash-C-hyphen-nine-oh-three-oh-one-seven"
The recording will also be available on my other alt-tech channels:
This video will NOT be uploaded to YouYube.
Music by Chris Zabriskie.

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