Friday 15 March 2019

A Message to Steve

This video is a personal message to somebody who watches HPANWO TV.


  1. Hello Ben. I just watched your video about your family.I had the same problem with mine.Long story so I won't go into it. But I totally understand where your coming from.
    I made my own family in the end with my friends.I also have a Son that has disowned me which breaks my heart. But so be it. I can't(tho I have tryed)make the past go away. I am sorry that I have not been the Greatest Mum.But how I was treated as a child reflected on how I treated my kids. I should have known better.I have done better as a grandmother. Again I am sorry for your pain. That was very brave of you to do that video. I hope now after saying what you felt you are a bit more at peace. All the Best Ben.
    1 day I hope to meet you.I want to go to Bases at the Barge but I have no way of getting there. I do hope you feel better in getting that off your chest. You were Very Brave.

  2. Hi Anon. Thanks for taking the time to write your lovely supportive comment. I feel rather disturbed right now over posting that video. I feel insecure, as if some punishment is poised to rain down on me. However, in the logn run I will feel much better that I did it. I'm so sorry you also have family strife and I hope one day you can make amends. The Bases at the Barge is just the first of what I hope will be a series of conferences that will take place once the lockdown eases (IF it eases!) You will have other opportunities. All the best. Ben :-)
