Wednesday 5 June 2019

Trump in Britain

See here for the film: (video removed).

US President Donald Trump has arrived in Britain for an official state visit. Will he use this opportunity to make history? Not everybody is as pleased as I am at Trump's presence in Britain and there was a protest in London that turned noisy and violent. I got caught up in it.


  1. Ben, another very good film. Would you consider releasing a Director's cut? I appreciate that you do not do superficial (so-called 'click-bait') but I believe that a short clip showing you surrounded and attacked by the 'tolerant left' would be welcomed by those of us tired of the undue respect afforded to these leftists. The clip would run from around 2:01:00 to 2:07:00, approximately; the title something like 'What Happens a Brexit/Trump Supporter at a London Labour Anti-Brexit Rally'.

  2. Hi Laurence. I have released it. It's a 3 minute segment on my social media pages on Facebook, Minds and MeWe. There's a 45 second clip on Twitter. Do you follow me on any of those places?

