Sunday 27 January 2013

Julian Baggini MBA

Part 1:
Julian Baggini, the editor of The Philosophers Magazine is to be awarded the Materialist Bravery Award for the courage, fortitude and general glory he has shown for rejecting the falsehood of a Life After and/or Beyond Death. He is incredibly superior to those inferior people who need such a comforting myth. On behalf of the Secretary of the MBA Nominations Committee, Dai Andthatsit, I do hereby present Julian Baggini with his MBA. Background:

Wednesday 23 January 2013

UFO Mass Sightings


Major UFO close encounters don’t only occur on remote Scottish mountainsides or in mobile home parks in the deserts of New Mexico. There are some convincing cases recorded in urban areas, even in big cities like Phoenix in 1997 and in 1954 in Florence Italy at a football match, see here for background: HPANWO TV visits Oxford United’s Kassam Stadium to try and imagine of what the Florence incident must have been like to witness.

Saturday 19 January 2013

"Charles" and Che's Dog-eat-Dog Revolution Fuuuaaaahhhk!


"Charles” and Che get together to discuss how to overthrow the New World Order. Is violent uprising the only way to stop it? Or is there still hope for a spiritual awakening?

Sunday 13 January 2013

Ben Emlyn-Jones' upcoming Live Lecture dates for February 2013

See here for the video trailer:
I will be giving two live lectures in February 2013. The first will be on the 4th at New Horizons St Annes, see: The second will be at the Critical Mass Radio 2 Conference in Liverpool on the 23rd, see (scroll down for poster): Hope to see you there!

Saturday 12 January 2013

"Consumers" betray their Economic Duty!

The sales figures for the Christmas period are very disappointing. It seems that you “consumers” have been betraying your duty to the economic system by not going out and buying lots of things. Why, for goodness sake!? WHY!?

Thursday 10 January 2013

Temples to Comsumerism (HPANWO London Truth Tours- Part 4)

Shopping Centres, or malls as they're called by Americans, are the grandest of all buildings. Today they're the only structures created which approach the ambition and grandeur of the ancient temples and cathedrals. Does this mean that consumerism and materialism are the Gods of our society, as Andy Thomas claims? See here for more detail:

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Philip Coppens Dies

Philip Coppens
25th of January 1971- 30th of December 2012

I’m very sad to have to announce that Philip Coppens has died. He was a brilliant researcher, author and journalist who spoke extensively on ancient mysteries, alternative archaeology, conspiratorial, geopolitical and parapolitical matters. Rest in peace, Philip: