Monday, 14 January 2019

Steiner Schools

Steiner Waldorf schools are an educational movement inspired by the Austrian spiritual philosopher Rudolf Steiner. Recently three of them have received state funding and this has sent the skeptics into a bit of a flap! I return to Greenwich Skeptics in the Pub for a talk by Andy Lewis on the subject, see:

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Heathrow Drone Shutdown

Just a few weeks after the chaos at Gatwick Airport, it was announced that Heathrow Airport, the UK's biggest and busiest, had to close because of more illegal drone activity.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

The Moon Landings- a Third Reply to Steve Mumbling

A skeptic and fellow YouTuber, Steve Mumbling, has made a video review of my upload The Apollo Detectives, This is a film that concerns the reality or unreality of the Apollo moon landings. See here for the first part of Steve's review: The subsequent videos can be found on his channel. See here for my video The Moon Landings- a Second Reply to Steve Mumbling:
See here for important additional information:

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Reply to Comments 20

The twentieth in a series of HPANWO TV videos where I reply to viewers' comments live in the film. This is because I have difficulty finding the time to reply to comments with written comments of my own.
See here for my previous Reply to Comments video:

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

UFO Disclosure 2019- Maybe THIS Year

So it turned out that 2018 was not the year of UFO Disclosure, but could 2019 be it?
Possibly. At the end of 2017, we were all very hopeful about the Pentagon revelations and the To The Stars Academy, but the project appears to have stagnated. Alternatively the latest news about the interstellar object 'Oumuamua are highly significant and could lead the way to a breakthough.
In this film I also catch up on the latest UFO Disclosure news.
See here for the previous film in the series UFO Disclosure 2018: