Friday 9 September 2016

Slaxxxer- Brit Bigfoot Comments

Here I read and reply to comments made on my two films Bigfoot in Britain, see: and Will Slaxxxer Leave YouTube, see:


  1. There was an article just recently about an alleged Bigfoot sighting at Caerphilly Mountain in Wales.

  2. Thanks, Anon. I think Deborah mentioned that

  3. Just today, whilst I was walking my dog in a local woods, I saw something that I thought seemed out of place. As I looked to my right from the footpath towards an heavily wooded area, there was a strange formation of thinnish, but long, trees which were all stacked up in a triangular type position; there must've been around a dozen of them. Most of these were probably only an inch or two wide, but there was also a larger tree behind the formation overhead that was bent over at an angle and another large tree at the other end placed across. The ground around it was covered mostly with brown fallen leaves and no sign of anyone having walked in that area, and no sign of any fire having been made or litter/items. Could be kids messing about making a den I suppose, but it looked identical to the alleged Bigfoot tree formations I've seen on the internet.

  4. Very strange, Anon. I'd make a report to the British Bigfoot Research Group
