Wednesday 22 February 2012

Find Bearsac Now!


Debra Schiman lives in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire and she has a condition called Asperger’s Syndrome which means she has trouble understanding the so-called “unwritten rules of society"; this effectively makes her a natural nonConformist. She is a grown woman who has a teddy bear called Bearsac whom she loves very much. She has been featured in several TV programmes and has written a book.
Here’s Bearsac’s website:
Here’s a TV show about her:
She travels a lot and recently went on a tour of the world, but sadly while on a train in Tanzania Bearsac was stolen and she is very distraught and desperate to get him back.

I’d like HPANWO TV viewers to regard this as a very serious matter and help in recovering Bearsac and getting him returned to his owner Debra. For Debra, Bearsac is like her child, or her best friend. The incident took place on the 3rd of December last year at 8.05AM on the train between Dar es Salaam and Mbeya, Tanzania. Just as the train was leaving Kinyanguru Station a man approached Debra and forced Bearsac out of her arms. Debra attempted to chase the man and redeem her teddy, but the train was moving and it was too dangerous; her fellow passengers held her back for her own safety. Debra reported the theft to the train’s on board police officer who in turn reported the crime to his colleagues at the next station, Makambako. The police in Kinyanguru suspect they know who the thief is, but are being too slow to react according to Debra. Here more details; look at the letter entitled “Bearsac Rescue”:

If any HPANWO TV viewers have any information on the whereabouts of Bearsac then could they please let me know? I’m pledging £20, to begin with, (That’s all I can afford since my discharge from Hospital Portering) towards a reward for information leading to Bearsac’s recovery and I’d welcome any other pledges from you. Also even if you don’t know anything yourself, you can help by writing to, or phoning, the British High Commission in Tanzania, see: Ask them to petition the local authorities to act on this matter with urgency. Their address is:

British High Commission
Umoja House
Garden Avenue
PO Box 9200
Dar es Salaam

And you can phone them on: 00 255 (0) 22 229 0000


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